A close one.
This amazing image by our LA PRENSA photojournalist Manuel Esquivel was shot at the UNAM campus in Managua. After rival Sandinista factions at the university went after each other. The student on the receiving end was one of the ringleaders which burned down the UNEM student government offices. The student with the machete is defending his campus from being vandalized. Luckily the attack did not go any further and the student was wisked away by red cross medics before he received any injuries. Manuel immediately after making this set of photos removed the CF card and stashed it in his pocket. After someone else asked him if he had made the photo he said no and prudently walked away from the scene and he came back with this amazing image.
One student attempts to stab another after pro Sandinista factions confronted each other at several campuses in Managua. The attacker did not follow through and his inteded victim was evacuates anscathed by the red cross. Photo LA PRENSA/Manuel Esquivel - copyright LA PRENSA